Consumption of imported apples is cause of concern: Experts
Lately, the market has seen the introduction of imported apples that are attractive, glossy and highly profitable.
Apples contain vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, potassium, fiber, carbohydrates, and other plant compounds like quercetin, catechin, and chlorogenic acid. One medium-sized apple has only 95 calories.
Photo: iStock
An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but what if that apple paves your way to the doctor! Apples have been an inseparable part of our lives as it is one of the most nutritious fruits, which is not only great for boosting immunity but at the same time can prevent several diseases. The millions of healthy bacteria present in this fruit can simply add to the numerous health benefits.
Apples contain vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, potassium, fiber, carbohydrates, and other plant compounds like quercetin, catechin, and chlorogenic acid. One medium-sized apple has only 95 calories.
We had been eating the apple with the peel for a long. It is only recently when the use of pesticides and wax on the skin came to light, the sudden question of eating an apple without skin became a point of discussion. We agree that the pesticides and wax on the skin are not at all good for the human body, but we also need to take into consideration that the skin is loaded with nutrients that help in the smooth functioning of the body. This piece of information will guide you about the benefits of peel and how you should eat an apple with the peel safely.
Many prefer to eat an apple by peeling off the skin, but when you do, you are also peeling off its nutrients. Here are some of the powerful reasons to never peel off the skin again.
1. Fiber In The Peel
One medium apple peel has about 4.4 g of total fiber. The apple peel has both soluble and insoluble fiber, but about 77 percent of them is insoluble fiber. This fiber prevents constipation by binding with water and pushing the digestive waste through your large intestine.
On the other hand, soluble fiber makes you feel full, prevents blood sugar spikes, and slows down the absorption of nutrients. It also further aids in lowering cholesterol.
2. The Skin Is Loaded With Vitamins
An apple peel is loaded with 8.4 mg of Vitamin C and 98 IU of Vitamin A. Once you peel off the skin, it will reduce to 6.4 mg of Vitamin C and 61 IU of Vitamin A. Did you know almost half of an apple’s Vitamin C content is just under its skin? So, it is a good idea to consume apples with their skins.
3. The Skin Is Powerful To Keep Cancer
At Bay, A study from Cornell University in 2007 showed that compounds called triterpenoids are found in the skin of apples. These compounds can kill cancerous cells and are especially targeted at colon, breast, and liver cancer cells. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, apples are an excellent source of antioxidants. These antioxidants can lower the risk of lung cancer.
4. The Apple Skin Will Help In Weight Loss
Well, this is good news for people who are looking to lose weight. The skin of the apples contains ursolic acid, an essential compound that can fight obesity. Ursolic acid increases muscle fat, which in turn burns calories, thus lowering the risk of obesity.
Most of the apples have pesticides on them unless they are organic. Washing the apples properly before cutting will remove pesticides and also the wax coating on the skin to make it look fresh. If you don’t like eating the apple skin, consider baking it as it helps soften the skin and can make it more palatable.
You can have a piece of apple with peanut butter or you can try grating it in your desserts. This will let you enjoy the taste of the skin.
So the conclusion of this article is, apples should be eaten with peel as it contains lots of health benefits.
But yes don’t forget to wash it properly before eating!