Get your posture right when you use mobiles, or suffer back, neck pain
AIIMS doctor said that there is a constant weight of brain, skull and muscles over the neck which falls on cervical spine.
Many exercises that can be done at home can provide relief from neck pain. Know all about it.
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All are aware of neck pain as it is experienced by most people at one point in time or another in their lives. It is weird because it’s under the control of the brains. Neck pain can be acute or chronic that requires detailed treatment.
Pain duration of neck pain:
Acute pain lasts for three to six months
Chronic pain lasts for more than six months
Acute-on-chronic pain: Acute pain flare when super imposed on underlying chronic pain
The back side of your neck is made up of cervical spine, muscles and ligaments that surround and support it. Cervical spine includes seven bones called vertebrates. Often the cause of acute neck pain is not known. Generally, its contributing factors are muscle sprain and bad posture. Full recovery occurs in most of the cases over a few days without any treatment. The advice by doctors is to keep your neck active. Painkillers are also there but they’re helpful until the pain eases. On contrary, chronic neck pain needs proper treatment. It occurs most commonly due to an accident, wear and tear of the spinal bones and the discs between vertebrae or pressing of the root of a nerve that comes out from the spinal cord in the cervical region.
Bone disorders, infections, certain cancers and serious injuries that damage the vertebrae, spinal cord or nerves in the neck may also cause serious neck pain. Sometimes, this pain is also associated with anxiety and depression. All these causes of chronic neck pain need a treatment under the supervision of a doctor.
Many a time neck pain spreads to the shoulder, arm, the base of the skull and even to the fingers. Movement of the neck may also get restricted making the pain worse. Tell your doctor every symptom to get diagnosed in the best possible way. In most of the cases, no tests are needed. Doctors diagnose it from the description of the pain and by examining the patient.
Tests such as X-rays and scans may be advised in certain situations indicating a serious underlying cause for the pain. However, the time taken for symptoms to settle varies from person to person. The symptoms usually begin to improve after a few days and get cured within a few weeks if it is a case of acute neck pain. Otherwise, in case of chronic neck pain, the pain may come and go with flare-ups from time to time.
Symptoms of chronic neck pain:
Pain becomes worse over time
Pain that develops when you’re suffering from other ailments like cancer, AIDS or rheumatoid arthritis
If you find any problem in arm or hand functioning
If vertebrae are very tender
If your vitals like passing urine is affected
If you find any problem in walking, it may be due to pressure on spinal cord
Treatment for acute or non-specific neck pain:
Don’t let your neck stiffen up. Keep it active and moving through gentle exercises. Initially, you may not be able to move it. Take a rest for a day or so. Then start and gradually increase the range of neck movements in all directions. Do them several times a day. Gentle movements will not cause any harm to your neck.
You can take a painkiller to get relief from neck pain. They’re often helpful. Yet, they’re not recommended to some people suffering from certain illnesses. Consult your doctor before consuming them.
Physiotherapy including various treatments like traction, heat, cold, manipulation and many neck exercises that can be done at home, can help you with pain relief.
Low-level laser therapy can also be effective in some people but it is relatively uncommon and it is a non-invasive treatment for neck pain.
Always maintain a good posture. Your head shouldn’t be flexed forward and also your back shouldn’t be stoop in sitting position. Sit upright and stand erect.
Using a firm supporting pillow while sleeping may help some people suffering from neck pain. Never use more than one pillow below your neck when you fall asleep.
Treatment for chronic neck pain:
Treatment may vary in case of chronic neck pain. If you suffer from its symptoms as described previously, you should immediately see the doctor. A detailed pain management programme may be offered to help you control and cure your chronic neck pain. Neck pain is common. Treat it with awareness.