The shocking truth about your daily hair brushing mistakes!
Learn the right way to brush your hair, prevent damage, and promote healthy growth with simple tips and natural remedies.
Brushing seems like a simple task we all do morning and night, right? Yet, when it comes to hair care, there’s a proper and improper way to brush.
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You glance at your watch and realize you have only ten minutes before dashing out the door—whether to your car, the metro, or a bus, and then off to work. In a rush, you quickly apply moisturizer, sunscreen, and makeup, vigorously brush your hair, and either tie it up or let it cascade down before hurrying out.
This morning routine is familiar to many college students and working professionals alike, all racing against the clock. But did you know that while you may arrive punctually at work, that daily act of vigorous hair brushing could be harming your hair? Brushing seems like a simple task we all do morning and night, right? Yet, when it comes to hair care, there’s a proper and improper way to brush.
Concerned about the potential damage to your hair? There’s a solution—keep reading to learn more.
What are the benefits of proper brushing?
For smooth, soft, supple, and shiny hair, daily brushing is essential. It helps distribute the natural oils produced by your scalp when done gently. While detangling is the primary goal, proper brushing also boosts blood circulation, promotes hair growth, and reduces the risk of excessive hair loss.
What is the correct technique for brushing?
The most common mistake in brushing is starting from the scalp and pulling down towards the tips, which can increase hair breakage. It’s better to reverse this method—begin at the tips and gently work your way up to the scalp. For stubborn knots, consider using a serum or conditioner. A little mindfulness can go a long way in minimizing hair breakage.
Avoid overbrushing; ideally, brush your hair no more than twice a day, adjusting as needed based on your hair type.
Should you brush wet hair?
Hair is most fragile when wet and prone to breakage. Opt for a wide-toothed comb and start detangling from the tips, working upwards towards the scalp, to prevent damage.
Understanding the right techniques and practices for brushing can help reduce hair damage significantly and promote healthier hair growth.