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Follow experts' tips to care for your hair from the burning summer sun.
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Hair is often viewed as a part of beauty and personality, which adds to our looks and identity. We try to protect them as they are the most visible part of the body. UVA and UVB rays, sweat and humidity, heat and wind, chlorinated pool water or salty ocean water damage the outer layer of the hair. It leads to hair breakage and split ends. So, it becomes essential to take extra good care of them in summer to maintain their texture, shine and volume.
Shampoo and condition your hair every day or every alternate day to keep summer damage at bay. It will keep your scalp clean and hair dandruff free, control split ends and hair fall. Try to use natural haircare products to keep them well nourished and maintain or bring back life, health and bounce to your hair.
Hair tend to get damaged in the hot sun if you stay outdoors too long. Protect them by using a good hair sunscreen protection cream. Give your scalp a regular oil massage to retain moisture that may be ripped off when exposed to the harsh heat of the sun. Staying hydrated is one of the most important thing to do. Drink a lot of cooling liquids that will help you keep your hair healthy.
Here are some easy and natural haircare tips from experts for those going through a bad hair summer.
Coconut oil: It acts as a natural sunscreen. Use it as all-day protection if you are spending a day out in the sun. Coconut oil contains SPF10. Make a shampoo mixing ¾ cup of coconut oil and 1/3 cup of coconut milk over low heat. Pour it into a bottle. Top it with one cup of liquid castile soap and 50 drops of your favourite essential oil. Shake well. Wash your hair with this shampoo. After shampooing, apply a conditioner made by mixing 2/3 cup of coconut oil, 1 tbsp jojoba oil, 1 tbsp of vitamin oil and 10 drops of any essential oil of your choice. Let this conditioner penetrate into your scalp and hair for some time. Rinse well with water.
Banana pack: If your hair is getting damaged due to sun exposure, apply the mashed banana pack all over your damp scalp and hair twice a week. It will bind proteins to your hair and protect them against breakage and damage from sun.
Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is capable herbal ingredient to make an effective home made after sun treatment. This gel has quite healthy properties to rectify the damage caused to hair by summer evils.
Apple cider vinegar: The acidic properties of ACV removes grease, oil and the residue of hair products from the scalp and hair leaving them clean and healthy. A rinse of diluted AVC with water (one part of AVC + two parts of water) can protect your hair from heat and wind during summer months. Allow your scalp to breathe with this rinse.
Avocado oil: It is a natural sunscreen that protects the hair and scalp from scorching heat of the sun. Add olive oil and raw organic honey to avocado oil. Whip properly till its colour lightens. Apply on scalp and hair from roots to tips. Cover your head with a shower cap. Heat it by sitting under the sun or with the help of hair dryer for 30 minutes. Then wash and condition as usual.
Coconut milk: It is high in fat, proteins and vitamin E providing good nourishment to hair from roots to ends. Add half cup of coconut milk with one teaspoon of jojoba oil. Apply on scalp and hair. Give a rest of 30 to 45 minutes. Then shampoo and condition as usual.
Mayonnaise: This pack on your hair acts as a shield to protect them from sun damage. Add two teaspoons of organic raw honey to two tablespoons of mayonnaise. Mix well. Apply the mixture on your damp scalp and hair. Put on a shower cap for an hour. Wash with a mild shampoo and water.
Good hair impact your looks and life in a positive way if maintained well. It can be something you will be remembered by. Feel smarter and confident with healthy hair this summer.