Debunking common hair care myths in transition season
Let's say you may have been informed or heard not to wash your hair every day since it could lead to breakage or that you should occasionally oil your hair to treat dandruff.
Dandruff affects almost 70% of people at least once in their lifetime. But many are constantly battling this hair problem as it refuses to go away or surfaces every few months. If you too are fed up with these white flakes on your scalp, it’s time to switch to natural ways to get rid of dandruff.
hair mask (SNS)
Dandruff affects almost 70% of people at least once in their lifetime. But many are constantly battling this hair problem as it refuses to go away or surfaces every few months. If you too are fed up with these white flakes on your scalp, it’s time to switch to natural ways to get rid of dandruff. Here show.
How dandruff starts
Shedding dead skin cells is a natural process and often goes unnoticed; however, in people who develop a scalp infection due to a type of fungus called Malassezia, there is an increased turnover of these cells. When these cells combine with the oil secreted from the scalp, there is a formation of greasy clumps that we call dandruff.
Shampooing your hair takes off these flakes and therefore, appears to be effective in reducing dandruff; however, this is only a temporary solution. For lasting results, you can try a few of the remedies mentioned here that have been traditionally used in Indian homes for healthy, dandruff-free hair.
Oil your scalp
Your mom has always told you and now we are saying so too: a good massage with coconut oil that has anti-fungal and moisturizing qualities will relieve your symptoms greatly. Olive oil works well too. Warm the oil and massage it into your scalp and keep it on for at least an hour.
Vinegar and lemons
The acidity in vinegar and lemons helps to combat the growth of fungi and relieves itching too. Rinse your scalp with a half cup of vinegar diluted with two cups of water after a shampoo. As for lemons, the best way is to simply massage your scalp with a little lemon juice mixed with water. Leave on for five minutes and then shampoo.
Neem and curry leaves
Ayurveda extols the virtues of both these leaves in combating dandruff. Neem is a great antifungal and antibacterial. Boil a handful of neem leaves with four cups of water, reduce it, and apply the cooled concentrate as a lotion over the itchy parts. You could also temper some neem and curry leaves in coconut oil, filter it and apply it to your scalp.
A paste of Fenugreek seeds, amla powder, and yogurt should be applied to your scalp for 10 minutes before you wash it off. Methi has antifungal and soothing properties.