Baba Ramdev’s remedies for mouth ulcers: Natural treatments you can try
Baba Ramdev shares natural remedies for mouth ulcers using aloe vera, herbal juices, and a copper sulfate rinse for quick relief.
Achieving a holistic balance of body and mind requires a lifestyle that nurtures your physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being. An unhealthy lifestyle can disrupt your doshas, or body energies. Ayurveda, the science of life, advocates simple yet potent daily practices to promote overall health. Here are some of these practices:
Meditation is a fundamental Ayurvedic habit that contributes to the holistic development of your mind and body. Whether it’s yoga, breathing exercises, or meditating while enjoying soothing music, these practices help you harmonize your doshas and find inner peace. Diaphragmatic breathing optimizes oxygen intake and cleanses your lungs of carbon dioxide.
Surprisingly, dental hygiene plays a significant role in balancing your doshas. Tongue scraping is an effective method to remove toxins from your mouth, especially from the tongue, where plaque and bacteria can diminish your sense of taste. A mere two-minute tongue scraping ritual can have a noticeable impact on your health and senses.
While the term may be unfamiliar to some, oil pulling is a practice deeply rooted in Ayurvedic well-being. It involves swishing 1 to 2 spoons of organic cold-pressed coconut oil vigorously in your mouth and then spitting it out to eliminate toxins.
Did you know that sweating helps expel toxins from your body? Sweating enlarges the pores, facilitating the elimination of toxins. Swedana, an Ayurvedic massage therapy, involves subjecting your body to a steam bath followed by an oil massage. While daily steam baths may not be feasible, engaging in physical activities that induce sweating, such as exercise, gym workouts, or manual labor, is highly beneficial.
Getting a minimum of 7-8 hours of sleep each night is crucial. Sleep replenishes your body’s energy reserves. During the summer, taking a 30-minute daytime nap can help combat fatigue. Sufficient sleep also supports the digestion process and overall well-being.