Do you have a spoonful of roasted fennel after your meals? A staple at Indian restaurants, fennel is a sweet-smelling spice that’s well known as a digestive aid. Want to de-bloat? Boil some fennel seeds in water, strain and sip while warm. In India, it’s also tradition to include these in the diets of nursing mothers to promote milk production. However, the benefits of fennel water go much beyond helping you get fresh breath and your digestion back on track. In fact, fennel is an understated herb that can heal and purify your skin!
Here are the benefits of drinking fennel water for the skin
Glowing skin:
Fennel seeds serve your skin by providing various vitamins, which in turn give you younger-looking skin. Fennel tea, when consumed on a daily basis, helps in improving the overall texture of the skin as it treats acne and makes your skin look flawless and glowing.
Therapeutic for women:
Fennel is a good source of potassium, Vitamin C, iron, and folic acid, which cuts the risk of anaemia and other immunity issues associated with women. Having a fennel-based tea twice a day on a regular basis can improve breast milk production in nursing mothers apart from cleaning out accumulated toxins from the body.
Reduce Water Retention:
Drinking fennel a cup of fennel tea on a daily basis helps in flushing out the excess fluids from the body. Simultaneously, fennel seed helps remove toxins and reduces the risk of urinary tract problems.
Helps Regulate Blood Pressure:
According to a study, chewing a handful of fennel seeds helps to increase the nitrite content in saliva, making it a great natural way to keep a check on blood pressure. Other than this, they are a rich source of potassium and help to control your heart rate and blood pressure.
For wrinkled skin:
The powerful anti-ageing properties in the fennel seeds help to keep wrinkles at bay. Antioxidants in fennel seeds fight off free radical scavengers that guzzle the oxygen out of healthy skin cells.
Great for Acne:
Consuming fennel seeds on a regular basis provides the body with valuable minerals like calcium, zinc, and selenium. When consumed regularly, fennel seeds have a cooling effect on the skin, resulting in more glow and less acne.
Keeps Cancer Away:
The seeds have potent chemo modulatory effects and are very rich in free radical properties that help to protect the body from various cancers of the skin, stomach and breasts.