Spine disorders on the rise in industrial zone: Doctorss
Sitting postures and lifestyle disorders are the key reasons behind the increasing low back pain difficulties, besides impacts of underlying diseases, said experts.
Boys are never good at conversation or expression. This is why some women are left wondering, “How does he feel about me, does he cares for me?”
(File Photo)
Boys are never good at conversation or expression. This is why some women are left wondering, “How does he feel about me, does he cares for me?” Whether you’re trying to read between the lines with your crush, your ex, or you just want to figure out how your new boyfriend – wondering how much he cares about you can be exciting and maddening at the same time. That’s why we’re showing you all the signs he cares more than he says. Keep reading!
Most of us like to express ourselves and find it difficult to hide our emotions before our loved ones. When you express your feelings for him — whether they are silly, serious, emotional, humorous, or utter non-sense — if he cares for you, he would listen to you patiently. He may not be a very good listener to everyone in his life, but if he is all ears for you, it is a great sign.
Until someone enters your life, it’s okay to be self-centered and selfish as nobody knows what exactly you need more than yourself. But once you have a partner, it makes sense to know and do what makes them happy, even if it goes against your interest at times. Finding happiness in a partner’s joy is what makes a relationship more beautiful and valuable.
So, if he puts you and your happiness above his and finds pleasure in doing that, he cares for you. More importantly, if he has a self-centric personality but wants to change to accommodate you in his life, he has scored full brownie points.
Mistakes happen—not just in a relationship, but also in all walks of life. Your partner might also be guilty at times, but how he conveys it to you and how he tries to make you feel good is important.
If you like surprises, like most of us do, your partner would certainly try to amaze you with one. Whether it is your special day or a moment of achievement or even for no reason, if he knows that you love to be surprised, he would certainly plan a few.
One of the signs that he cares deeply about you is if he notices things about you, like whether you’ve bought a new shirt or changed your hair. This means he’s interested and paying attention.
A man will show he cares about you by the way he acts when something bad happens to you. If he gets protective of your physical and emotional well-being, you’ll know that he has great affection for you.
One sign he cares deeply about you is if he goes out of his way to hold your hand or put an arm around you when you’re together. Not only is this flirty and fun, but touch also releases the Oxycontin hormone, which promotes bonding.