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Consult your doctor, follow his/her advice, take medicine if needed and change your lifestyle— these are the mantras to be followed to enjoy a good and healthy life, said Dr Subhasis Ganguly.
Lemons also offer a hefty dose of Vitamin C and other antioxidants that can fight free radicals and may help keep you looking and feeling younger.
Unique ways to use lemon (Representational Image: Getty Images)
You know that lemons add a delicious, citrusy kick to everything from salad dressings to cocktails. And you may have heard about their impressive health benefits — lemons contain antibacterial properties and may strengthen your immune system.
Lemons also offer a hefty dose of Vitamin C and other antioxidants that can fight free radicals and may help keep you looking and feeling younger.
But lemons also have some unexpected uses, too. Here are six ways this handy fruit can solve your trickiest dilemmas and help enhance your life:
Cleanse and boost your system:
A cup of warm lemon water first thing in the morning acts as the perfect body cleanser. Specifically, because lemon is a diuretic and flushes out toxins from the body. Not only that but lemons are also believed to boost your immune system.
Digestive aid:
Lemon with water pushes the liver to produce bile acid, which is required for digestion. Moreover, they aid in moving toxins from the digestive tract.
Mosquito repellant:
Using it as a mosquito repellant is, strange isn’t it but is an extremely simple process. You just need half a lemon, stuff it with a sufficient amount of cloves and there you go. Now you are all set to drive away from the nagging mosquitoes.
Home freshener:
Lemons, if mixed with rosemary and vanilla make for a great way to freshen up your home.
Keep apples fresh:
Lemons when added to cut apples and avocados will keep it fresh, such that it doesn’t get brown.
Sanitize your cooking boards:
Use lemon to clean your chopping board to reduce the microbial count and make it ready and hygienic for the next batch of vegetables to be chopped.
Make them last long:
When you get your next batch of lemons, don’t forget to store them in a glass container filled with water. It will stay fresh for a longer period.