Majority of millennials in India are open to finding love but want to get married after family’s approval, reveals a survey which found that as many as 59 per cent of respondents would like to initiate, but would like to get family approval before they wed.
Matchmaking service conducted the survey to understand the changing mindset amongst singles and their approach towards marriage. The online poll — which was conducted from November 1 to 10 — received 7,398 responses from Indian men and women in ages ranging from 20-35 years, read a statement.
When young singles were asked to rate life goals, marriage stood second in the ranking after career followed by buying a house, studying abroad and travelling the world.
The survey also highlighted a new trend wherein singles are playing an active role in planning their marriage.
Asked if they would take the first step to initiate their marriage, 69 per cent of people said yes.
On being asked what type of marriage would they like to have, 59 per cnt said that would like to initiate, but would like to get family approval before the wedding. While 23 per cent said “with a partner who I found”, 19 per cent were willing to go for arranged marriage.
Overall, the survey highlights that marriage is an important life goal, and more and more singles are working towards fulfilling that goal.
Gourav Rakshit, CEO, said: “Over the last couple of years we have witnessed a rising trend of individuals signing up on the platform, with over 75 per cent of members seeking marriage partners for themselves and not for a family member… Our latest campaign reflects the story of every single person who dreams of a great Indian wedding, and encourages them to take the first step towards a happy planned marriage.”