East Kolkata wetlands fast turning into death traps for aquatic ecosystem
The East Kolkata Wetlands (EKW), often celebrated as the “Kidney of East Kolkata”, are facing severe threats from pollution and unsustainable practices.
A regular RO system discards about 75% of the water that goes into it for purification. The reason behind it is the use of membrane technology in the system, which requires additional water.
Photo: iStock
It is uncommon to find a household that does not use a Reverse Osmosis (RO) water purifier system these days. The RO system has become an inseparable part of our lives and we cannot imagine drinking unfiltered water. We do feel satisfied with the purity of the filtered water, however, there is a downside associated with using the RO system.
A regular RO system discards about 75% of the water that goes into it for purification. The reason behind it is the use of membrane technology in the system, which requires additional water. The excess water used in the filtration process is discarded by the RO system. The amount of water expelled varies from model to model.
The expelled water is deemed unfit for drinking because of the high level of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) content. However, there are other ways in which the water can be used other than letting it down the drain.
Here are some ways in which expelled water from the RO purifier can be utilized:
One of the best uses for the water discarded by RO purifiers is for cleaning the floor or mopping it. The water, although high in TDS content, can be used by adding soap detergent or floor cleaning fluid. It is one of the most convenient ways to bring the discarded water to use in a household and it would also save a lot on the water bill.
The only thing to be observed closely is how the plants react to the change in water. Although most plants can easily survive being watered with high-TDS content water, still some caution is required.
When a RO purifier is fitted in the kitchen, in most cases, the outlet for wastewater is given near the kitchen sink. The wastewater can be easily collected and used for cleaning and washing utensils.
In our country, a huge amount of fresh water is wasted while washing cars. With an increase in the number of cars on roads, more water would be wasted while washing cars. The simple solution is using the expelled water from RO purifiers.
India is a country where desert coolers are used in huge numbers. Millions of liters of water is consumed by desert coolers every year. Using RO purifier expelled water in desert coolers is a great initiative towards saving water.