


Kolkata Metro to open more gates for night services

According to the city Metro office, at stations like Shyambazar, Sovabazar-Sutanuti, Chandni Chowk, Park Street, Rabindra Sadan, Netaji Bhavan and Rabindra Sarobar, 50 per cent gates are remaining open for these experimental services in order to make entry and exit of passengers fast and easy.

Medical waste piling up at Covid hospitals

The Covid hospital authorities have brought the matter to the attention of the state health department, alleging that this was an outcome of“careless attitude” of the private agency which was entrusted with the responsibility of collection and clearance of the medical waste.

Advance for Covid treatment capped at Rs 50k

“The clinical establishment would be entitled to charge a sum of Rs 50 only as ‘Covid Protection Charges’ that would include sanitiser, mask etc… each patient would be entitled to one companion only and in such case, the patient would be charged an additional amount of Rs 50… in case the consultant physician is in full PPE uniform… the clinical establishment would be entitled to a further amount of Rs 50,” an advisory stated.