Voompla was launched in 2015 with a mission to reach digital-natives, Bollywood-loving audiences in India and across the world. It has been one of the key players in the Indian entertainment news niche to have led the social media-first wave for news publishing brands.
“Consumption of news, much like entertainment has become increasingly personal. Content strategies are now geared for individual, not group viewing” says co-founder Kaushambi Bakshi, an RMIT Melbourne and St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai alum. Speaking further regarding audience retention she says “Our community of followers interacts with us daily via comments and DMs. This gives the team insights into what they’ve liked, loved or detested. Feedback is instant and in effect, the turnaround time taken in making changes to publishing strategies are also immediate. This is an unprecedented feature for news publishers and online content creators.”
Voompla’s followers are loyal to the brand because it satiates their craving of knowing everything about their favourite celebrity – where they partied, which salon they went to or which designer they’re wearing. Red-carpets, movie promotions, interviews, airport and gym runs and even celebrity grocery shopping – Voompla has become a one-stop destination for everything tinsel town. Today the brand serves over 500 million impressions and has amassed over 11 million-plus followers across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Tik Tok.
“The experience of consuming news in general, let alone Bollywood updates has changed completely. Audiences now want to know what’s happening in real-time as it unravels” adds the co-founder.
Team Voompla plans to scale its online presence by exploring new and emerging social media platforms and further increasing diversity in content production. The news cycle is only going to become faster, shorter and synced more deeply into real-time as the digital ecosystem evolves – and Voompla intends to lead the pack.