

Touch Dolls is online women’s retailer for trending fashion and realistic body types

Despite thousands of fashion brands that cater to the average, predominantly Caucasian body type, Touch Dolls is proud to make up for the poorly misrepresented demographic of curvy and diverse body types.

Touch Dolls is online women’s retailer for trending fashion and realistic body types

If your favourite online women’s fashion retailer wasn’t inspired by a dire need for diversity in design, then you must be missing out on the trending fashion retailer that is Miami-based Touch Dolls. Owner and founder of the brand, Cyndi V. elevated the fashion game in 2012 with a new concept for fashion design—clothing for women with more than the average body type.

“I always felt like clothing brands had an unrealistic body type for minority women like Hispanic and black. The clothes I would buy always needed to be tailored,” she says.


But Cyndi V. isn’t in fashion just to make a living; she’s established Touch Dolls as a way to empower women. Despite thousands of fashion brands that cater to the average, predominantly Caucasian body type, Touch Dolls is proud to make up for the poorly misrepresented demographic of curvy and diverse body types.


This isn’t a plus size fashion brand. Instead, Touch Dolls is a fashion brand that accommodates a voluptuous body type with its finger on the pulse of every big trend.

In Miami where more than 80% of the population is a minority, she saw a demand. Starting humbly with dress designs that were made to hug, contour and shape a women’s curves, Touch Dolls grew its brand to meteoric success. The brand boasts fashion that not only fits, but is relevant and trendy.

In light of the coronavirus pandemic, the brand has added face masks to its production of clothing. With designs that are fun and fashionable, Touch Dolls continues to meet the demands of customers.
