Praduman Suri, India’s youngest astrologer won the hearts of many famous personalities with his first-of-its-kind book titled ‘Numerology-Secret of Numbers’ at the National Environment Youth Parliament 2022 (Paryavaran Chetna: Environment and Sustainability organised at the Parliament of India in New Delhi.
Suri distributed his best-selling book ‘Numerology-Secret of Numbers’ to some of the famous personalities at the National Environment Youth Parliament 2022 organised jointly by Paryavaran Sanrakshan Gatividhi and Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies at the Parliament of India, including Padma Shri and diamond baron, Savji Dholakiya, Kautilya Pandit a.k.a Google Boy, Union Cabinet Minister for Environment Forest & Climate Change (MOEFCC), Bhupender Yadav and Ardent and zealous reformer of change, Aarya Chavda.
The National Environment Youth Parliament 2022 was an eventful experience for the young students participating from across the country. From proposing carbon markets in India to highlighting the resources the country possesses, mining potential to deliberating on the consequence of modernization, the sessions offered innovative ideas, strong data empowering statements, and full of new policies the government should focus on.
“The National Environment Youth Parliament 2022 was a perfect platform to distribute my book ‘Numerology—Secret of Numbers’ to the famous personalities of the country,” said Praduman Suri. “It was a great opportunity when the famous personalities recognized my book and appreciated my work for bringing out the truth of secret numbers in the public domain.”
Suri said that he was inspired by the diamond baron and Padma Shri Savji Dholakia and Google Boy Kautilya Pandit. Aarya Chavda, a 12-year-old is the youngest author-illustrator, speaker, heritage, and environment crusader, who equally appreciated my hard work.
“Padma Shri Savji Dholakia is also known as the ‘diamond boss’ who is gifting his employees with cars, flats, and jewellery as a ‘Diwali’ bonus every year. Recently, he dedicated a chopper gifted to him by his family for using the emerging situations in Surat and South Gujarat. Dholakiya is an inspiration to many in the country and across the world” said Suri.