

Nitish Rajput is an emerging digital social activist

The web has truly bound us together in an inseparable way.

Nitish Rajput is an emerging digital social activist

With a growing clash between the volume of unguided views and opinions on topics influencing the nation and the world, what one needs is a balanced view which is factual and analytical. This view also needs to be progressive and capable of inducing change. Here, digital social activism comes into the picture.

Digital activism has seen a surging emergence ever since the internet became more common and less expensive. The web has truly bound us together in an inseparable way. One of the major boons of the same has been the rise in the number of people who have successfully used the tools of the internet to establish concrete lines of free communication and exchange of opinion. They use the tools to take their thoughts online, have people comment on them and thus create an online space which intends to grow and know more. The immediate outcome of this is the change inducing capacity that the community/space starts to develop.

An emerging name in the digital activism field in India is that of Nitish Rajput. Nitish was born in the small town of Sultanpur and did his schooling and further higher education from New Delhi. He is a well-known name in the IT sector and regularly takes up projects for the same. Nitish is now the owner and founder of a super successful MNC.


Today, Nitish is rapidly growing in popularity as a digital social activist. His interest in the same began when he started discussing simple current affairs topics with his friends and colleagues. They were clearly interested and Nitish realized that since he possessed the knowledge, he should take a step forward and bring it online. “The intention,” Nitish says, “was to make my knowledge reach people and give them a little food for thought.”

Nitish Rajput firmly believes that when activism is bought online, it becomes extremely transformative. When there is an adequate use of the tools available online, people can be brought together and informed and educated collectively. Nitish regularly posts informative videos on his YouTube channel, Instagram and TikTok handle. He has a large loyal following owing to his factual videos which do not sensationalize facts and figures.

About credibility, Nitish says, “I aim to be hundred percent credible in all my posts online. Whenever I’m talking about a current topic, I attach relevant links with the help of which my viewers can cross check the information provided. It takes an insane amount of hard-work to collect the true facts, especially when there is so much fake news doing rounds on social media. But it is worth it because through this, I have attained the complete trust and faith of my audience.”

Digital activism benefits from the inexpensiveness in organizing and educating people. It can be done completely free of cost with just an Internet connection being requisite.

Nitish Rajput has successfully empowered and facilitated people to challenge atrocities and become more vocal about issues plaguing the Indian society. The positive comments on all his videos attest the fact that Nitish, through his work, is bringing real-life mindset shift and change in the people watching and consuming his carefully curated content.

Living up to the “activist” in Digital Social Activist, Nitish Rajput continues to work in the direction of raising issues, bringing change and discussing the undiscussed.
