

Michael Dallas-Petersen has devised three growth hacks to leverage dealings

Go High Level is a CRM that can automate emails, voicemail drops, text messages, you can build sales pages/landing pages, websites, tracking, live transfers and about 100 other valuable applications.

Michael Dallas-Petersen has devised three growth hacks to leverage dealings

Michael Dallas-Petersen gets asked all the time: “What do you use Go High Level for? How does it work? Is it as complicated as it seems? Michael laughs and smiles politely, and says, “Everything, and no it’s not.”

Some background about using software/CRM solutions (Customer Relation Management Tool). Go High Level is a CRM that can automate emails, voicemail drops, text messages, you can build sales pages/landing pages, websites, tracking, live transfers and about 100 other valuable applications. Put simply, this amazing app is an all-in-one business solution.


Michael Dallas-Petersen has over 10 remote staff overseas that use the Go High Level software to make calls for their dental clients every day and book appointments. Michael has schedules built to make sure his dental leads and appointments show up for their in-person examination.


In some cases, Michael is generating his clients up to $250,000 worth of business, which is close to a 100x Return On Investment. To get you started here are Michael’s 3 simple, easy and quick growth hacks to scale your business employing Go High Level.

The first hack concerns sending out automated proposals as a salesperson and being too busy and distracted after back-to-back calls. It is so important to have a click and drag automated feature that can send proposals at the click of a button. The main value of this feature is that it’s time-saving. You are running late for one call and you don’t send that proposal right away. At the end of the day you’re exhausted, you forget to send the proposal. Right there and then is a missed $3000! But if you had that click of a button feature – boom. Magic. It’s the little things that make up the big things.

Secondly – Colored CRM workflow. When you run a business with over 10 remote overseas staff it’s hard to keep people accountable across multiple clients. So here it is – have colours that are sequenced step by step for different purposes. For example, one colour for unread messages. This allows for quick follow-ups and to make sure clients are responded to in a timely fashion. The outcome is more opportunities, conversions, appointments and more money for our clients. You can use a different colour if they haven’t been contacted in a few days which means the lead has decayed. Meaning we can capitalize on opportunities, increase productivity, and again make more money for our clients. This is huge for accountability and a visually differentiated high-level overview for sales managers, CEOs and business owners.

Thirdly – call logging forms. This feature enables the tracking of the number of calls our remote overseas team completes. Using these simple Go High Level forms allows us to track the salient data. Data such as call times, speed, number of calls booked, etc. What does this do? It allows us to increase productivity and get more traction for our clients.

However, the sad thing is that most people don’t know how to use the popular Go High Level software to maximum effect. Meaning they leave opportunities and money on the table. So, if you want help in maximising your business potential through CRM software connect on Facebook. Reach Michael here: https://www.facebook.com/myke.dp.
