Film music in India has always been bigger than independent music. Gaurav H Singh, a well-known composer and singer from the Hindi film industry, said that music in India is changing drastically now. There used to be a time when artists had to do film music if at all they wanted to be famous and successful, but now independent music is gradually taking over.
The Game Over music director said, “Considering the status quo in the music industry, I am also working on singles apart from film music. I am collaborating with Abhijeet Sawant for a music video.”
Speaking about the song Gaurav said that the song is melodious and Abhijeet has sung it beautifully. “The song talks about fake love and Abhijeet Sawant has delivered the correct emotion. It was a great experience working with Abhijeet Sawant,” stated Gaurav H Singh.
We all grew up watching Indian Idol and it was a great feeling working with him as somewhere we all appreciated him for years. The song will be released by Kavish Records. Kavish and I have great bonding. We are working on several projects. We specifically thought about Abhijeet Sawant for this song as only he could do justice with it.
“There was a time in 90s where independent music was rising but soon the film music got big again and independent music took a dip. But now we are lucky that people are loving and appreciating every kind of music. And I reckon that this is the best time to excel as a musician. Artists have so many platforms to put forth their work directly to the listeners. Keeping this fact in mind, Kavish and I decided to do music videos on a regular basis.”
“Now people will get to hear my independent music along with my film music.”
Speaking further about the song, Gaurav H Singh said that along with being a melodious song, this song also expresses emotion by taunting. I hope that Abhijeet and I get to work on a film song as well. He is a really nice and humble human being. We are excited about this song, stated the composer.
The song will release in November and we hope that people will like the song. Gaurav H Singh has several projects slated to be released soon.