

EdTech venture Live Learning works on simple yet effective technology

The pandemic has given us a chance to hit the reset button on a lot of things, and education is one of them.

EdTech venture Live Learning works on simple yet effective technology

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New to the market and delivered amidst the pandemic, EdTech venture Live Learning is built to operate on simple technology and provide various benefits, especially to individual teachers and educators where they can engage in creative and flexible project-based teaching.

The pandemic has given us a chance to hit the reset button on a lot of things, and education is one of them. Education with the help of effective technology can reach the most vulnerable sections of society and fix various gaps and shortcomings.


Live Learning is hosted on Canadian and United States’ servers. It is built on open-source technology. A strong and dedicated community of developers around the world collaborate together and contribute to the open-source project, thereby making Live Learning stable and constantly upgraded.


The Edtech venture uses ASP[dot]net core as the primary programming base. ASP[dot]net core provides a robust foundation to Live Learning’s backend system, whereas the React front end keeps things easy and simple for the end-users. livelearning[dot]io allows seamless integration of applications to assist teachers. This makes their job easier and lets them focus on teaching.

The integration is effectively handled. Live Learning has partnered with:

– Stripe – For Payment Processing

– Google – For Drive and 3rd Party Video Service

– Spotify – For music streaming

– OpenVidu – For Native Video Streams

For the year 2021, the EdTech venture founded by Indian-Canadian entrepreneur, Krishna Gupta, is working closely with Live Learning’s Artificial Intelligence department and data scientists to make tools that will help educators and teachers provide courses more efficiently and address the demand at a global level. AI and deep learning algorithms are aimed at providing an in-depth analysis of teaching data, education statistics and overall user behaviour understanding.

The features and range of Live Learning are well in tune with the Sustainable Development Goal (4) of the United Nations. Its tools and facilities favour ‘inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.’ Live Learning promotes the idea of global education as it gives teachers an unending platform to impart teaching.

Krishna Gupta, Founder and CEO of Live Learning says, “We were able to build this venture from the ground during the crisis of Covid-19 and the team is confident they will bring in revolutionary tech next year. We believe that with a refined Artificial Intelligence support and deep learning algorithms, we will be able to help teachers understand the ‘where, when and who’ of their teaching scale. This way we not only boost business but also help students in every corner by connecting them with teachers.”

A teacher who has been using the web-based app for a while stated, “The dashboard really is a huge asset because it’s like the online version of classroom management. It’s not like you’re walking around the classroom and saying ‘Sit down. Stop talking’ but you are asking yourself ‘Are the kids progressing?’ If I see that a kid isn’t moving, then I need to investigate this. ‘Why aren’t they moving from Lesson 1? They have been there for a few days. What’s going on?’ The dashboard helps me do that seamlessly.”

Live Learning takes away the operational stress of teaching and gives space to experiment and engage both teachers and students. The app and its team regularly research and will roll out new features in a few days. The app can be experienced with a decent Internet connection at livelearning[dot]io.
