Rehnuma Khan: A Mumbai girl on a mission to give people a makeover
Rehnuma Khan has named her cream as Khushi whitening cream because it is destined to bring happiness in the lives of those who are tired of their skin issues and problems.
Well, now you can have both – a healthy skin as well as fair complexion and this has become possible because of the gorgeous and hard working makeup artist from Mumbai, Rehnuma Khan. A
Brand Post | New Delhi | April 27, 2022 8:34 pm
Many times we have heard that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder but don’t you think that rather than worrying about what beholder thinks, we should be more concerned about our beauty. There is no denying the fact that having a healthy skin is what everyone should focus on and only after getting success in making the skin healthy, the focus should shift on getting fair complexion.
Well, now you can have both – a healthy skin as well as fair complexion and this has become possible because of the gorgeous and hard working makeup artist from Mumbai, Rehnuma Khan.
26 years old Rehnuma Khan is a big name in the Indian beauty industry and there are many who owe their gorgeous looks to her and Khushi, the whitening cream which she has created after making a lot of efforts. Rehnuma was very much interested in makeup and cosmetic products from a very young age so when she grew up, she chose to work on her passion and make it her career. As a girl who belongs to the Indian middle-class family, she was very well aware of the importance of beauty in our country but she used to get upset after seeing that majority of the girls were suffering from skin issues. Though many makeup products are available in the market, they are only capable of hiding these skin problems and can’t treat them completely. This motivated Rehnuma Khan to come up with a cream which not only treats the skin problems such as patches, black heads, black spots, wrinkles, signs of aging and pimples but also makes the complexion fairer.
Rehnuma Khan named her cream as Khushi which means happiness and she was pretty sure that it would bring happiness in lives of many women as well as men. However, now she is also focusing on the skin problems of kids as it will be easy to take care of beauty and health of skin if we start focusing from a very young age. Rehnuma Khan asks parents to use Ayurvedic products which are easily available in our kitchen such as turmeric, honey, lemon, etc. for solving the skin problems of their kids and the best part is that these products don’t have any side-effects as well. She is also making videos on this topic and posting them on her official Instagram account (@makeupbyrehnumakhan) in order to give tips to the parents on how to make their kids beautiful and fairer. Many parents have already started using her tips and they are also writing in comments about the considerable improvement in their kid’s skin and complexion.
Moreover, she conducts makeup sessions in which she teaches the art of makeup to her students and she not only helps them in setting up their own business but also promotes them. What makes Rehnuma Khan stand apart from others is that she doesn’t charge a penny for her classes from those women who have no one to support and they are the only one to take care of themselves and their family members.
She is also very much concerned about the small business owners of the country so she uses her popularity to promote their business but only after ensuring that the product is completely genuine and harmless. Rehnuma Khan has also been awarded with the Women Iconza Awards 2022 for her immense contribution towards the society by Times Applaud and Namaste Bahrain.
Rehnuma Khan is certainly going the rule the beauty world and we are quite sure that she will come with some more amazing products in the future.
Rehnuma Khan has named her cream as Khushi whitening cream because it is destined to bring happiness in the lives of those who are tired of their skin issues and problems.