Popular humour writer Dr Jas Kohli recently released his latest work of comedy fiction, ‘Lights! Wedding! Ludhiana!’, a cleverly written comedy with hilarious observations, irony and a tongue in cheek look at the characters’ lifestyles. He has been releasing works that have been one laughter riot after the other, leading to him being one of the country’s most popular satirists & humour writers.
A practising cosmetic surgeon with an avid love for books, Dr Jas Kohli, decided to pursue a literary career simply because he wanted to; it was a conscious decision. After years of reading, even while in medical college, he started working on his book. Recognizing his knack for comic timing, which was further reinforced by his friends and family, the doctor chose humour & comedy as his genre, and boy, wasn’t that an excellent decision. “Writing comedy is so much more different than being generally funny. It requires a lot of time and effort. Yet it is worth it- what is better than to bring a smile on someone’s face,” explained Jas on why he chose to stick with this journey. Much of his humour is based on quirky characters that he had come across in his day-to-day life. “The society and people of our country have so many peculiarities which are amusing. There are certain techniques too, to generate humour in the printed word,” admitted Jas.
It wasn’t just humour writing that had its fair share of relentless efforts, but getting his work published was a long journey too. He spoke about how he had to keep moving from one publisher to another to get his manuscript published; the first manuscript got rejected by thirteen publishers before being taken for publishing.
His comic brilliance shone wonderfully in his latest release ‘Lights! Wedding! Ludhiana!’, where the protagonist talks about materialism while having to deal with uncomfortable situations that do anything but help his cause. Although a work of fiction, this book is a humorous take on the boisterous and flamboyant people of Ludhiana and their love for grand celebrations.
This side-splitting entertainer has become a favourite among many, mainly due to the interesting yet oddly relatable characters, exciting plot twists, and the overall chaotic charm. “We come from a country that is known to enjoy their pompous weddings; you could call it a favourite focal point of our society which is something the readers relate to. Besides that, the odd situations the characters find themselves in, along with the constant satire, irony, and wordplay, makes this book an enjoyable read,” mused Jas on the success of his latest work.
Besides recognizing his knack for humour writing, Dr Jas prefers sticking to comedy as he believes in the saying ‘Laughter is the best medicine.’ “Humour not only causes the release of feel-good chemicals and hormones in our blood but also improves immunity. So, it is one of the best supplements that could easily beat many of the overhyped superfoods. Humorous people are more likeable except when their sarcasm crosses a limit. Humour can even solve intractable conflicts and understandings,” explained the surgeon. He also understands how irony and satire can help us create awareness about social problems or even injustice, which is reflected in his work. He further adds, “I miss the political cartoons which used to appear in the newspapers. We can savour humour in many forms- stand-up comedians, comics on the internet, television and web shows, humour poets, humour writers etc. There is something for everyone- according to one’s taste and preference.”
With the rising popularity of the book, Dr Jas Kohli finds himself surrounded by ideas and suggestions by those closest to him so that they can contribute to his journey. “I have had it both ways. I have relatives and friends who seem guarded while speaking before me for fear of their dialogue or scene finding a place in my next novel. In contrast, a few others are keen to give me ideas, and some even suggest that I utilize their witty remarks for my writings. One of my friends was not even opposed to a funny incident from his life to be included in my novel, with his real name,” spoke the doctor about how his life has changed since he began writing bone-tickling comedies.
The writer now hopes a lot more readers enjoy his new book and keep following the work of local authors. “We have come of age and are as good as any foreign author. Also, books in the Indian setting with the familiar cultural milieu will always give the reader greater satisfaction,” concluded Dr Jas Kohli.