Author-Poet Himanshu Goel will be soon launching his upcoming poetry collection, “A Lonely World and other poems”, this month. Having picked a topic that not many writers touch, Goel has penned about the collective loneliness that exists in our world right now.
Himanshu has a loyal fan base of readers having multiple publications in both poetry and fiction. His previous poetry collection, 52 laws of love is ranked #1 in poetry on Amazon India.
Speaking about the theme of the collection, Goel says, “There’s a collective loneliness in our world right now. Because of the digital world we live in, human to human interaction is at an all time low which has been even greatly amplified due to the lockdown.”
The Covid-19 lockdown somewhere gave him a kick to pen this collection. He expresses, “I have always felt a need to write about this theme but the pandemic situation really ignited the inspiration for me to go ahead and write this collection. I have been reading Bukowski and Mary Oliver to look for inspiration as well.”
Lastly, through his collection, he gives a message go the readers, “If you are feeling lonely or down or anxious, know that there are thousands of others who feel the same, it is something you can win over. I hope this collection helps out a little in that battle.”
“A Lonely World and other poems” will be launched on Kindle and paperback format on Amazon worldwide.