Arlin Upasana, a 24years young aspiring goal-oriented woman. She’s Splendour, Focused and Dedicated to performing at the Top level which gave her Determination. Contemporarily she is working in Haryanvi’s song for singer Renuka Panwar. In a short, while she is launching ‘’Arlin’s’’ luxury clothing brand, due to Covid-19 it has been postponed.
Arlin started her career at the age of 18. As soon she started she Won her first Pageant, then it started taking off. In few years she shifted to Mumbai and started working in Bollywood as well.
Her beliefs in life is always remain alluring and promising. She proved that by her achievements: she’s Being crowned as Miss Calcutta 2016 and Miss Easter India 2017. She has done web series like ‘’Nasha’’ for Amazon Prime Videos directed by G Ashok. A small character in the Movie ‘’ Durgavati’’ directed by G Ashok released shortly. Also, one Series for Hotstar is named ‘’Antrik’’ which is expected to release in next month end. Arlin has also done few Albums like Guzaara and many others. Recently she shot a song for Bengali singer Lov Poddar as Producer and also an Actress.
Arlin has endeavour Goals for her future. A Luxury Villa in Malibu with 14 Super Cars. She intends to be one of the Young Overpowering women from India. Her calm demeanour and nonindulgence in gossip has earned her a good name & respect in the industry already.
Her skills are invincible. She is good in dancing she also has a unique and exceptional skill of Reading faces by just looking at them. She is by default innovators and capable of standing tall against all odds.
She has always been getting offers for many projects, she believes if you have less projects to work in but of good quality that will upgrade you. As per her belief she would work for one or two project in a year, But that has to be the best.
She has an exquisite, dynamic & elegance persona. She loves to work in Serenity Optimistic, Diligent and Feminist. She is bengali and that favours her a empowered women by promoting women’s sense of self-worth, their ability to determine their own choices, and right to influence social change. Any project that provides equal opportunities, respect and safety will be the ideal environment to work in.
The message she wants to convey to Society is: ‘Let the women live.
Women can do things a man cannot. So educate them, not for the society but for themselves. And a special message that she wants to convey to all the women there: You be you, You just do you, No one can take away the things u deserve. So walk straight, be confident, keep your head up and conquer the world’