Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Friday unveiled the statue of Maharaja Khet Singh Khangar Judeo, a medieval era warrior, in Banda.
Speaking on the occasion, Yogi Adityanath said, “Maharaja Khet Singh Khangar joined forces with Prithviraj Chauhan and took part in all of his wars during the 12th century, at a time when the nation was under attack from foreign invaders and infiltrators. It was crucial for maintaining India’s unity at the time. This demonstrates his bravery and valour towards his country.”
The chief minister further said that Prithviraj Chauhan recognised Maharaja Khet Singh as the independent king of Mahoba because he was so impressed by him.
“Today we all discuss the bravery of the Kshatriya Khangar caste. Whether it is Bundelkhand of Uttar Pradesh or Madhya Pradesh, their number is seen in abundance here as well as in Gujarat. The 900-year tradition of that family, from the 12th to the 21st century, is revived by their lengthy and rich past,” he said.
Yogi said that today Bundelkhand is quickly connecting with development. “Under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s direction, Bundelkhand is now evidently progressing towards becoming the nation’s paradise. The wide roads here, and grand statues of great men are giving us new inspiration.”
He further said: “Under such circumstances, we must work with a committed spirit for the motherland, which has been bestowed upon us all by the inspiration of “nation above everything.”
National leaders like Prithviraj Chauhan, Maharaja Khet Singh Khangar, Maharana Pratap, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Guru Govind Singh Maharaj, and Rani Lakshmi Bai of Jhansi committed their lives to uphold this motto of “country before everything.”
Bundelkhand has its own glorious history. Every Indian feels proud by associating with that history, he added.