Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, while addressing an election rally at Karia Jhala Ground, Jhinjhak, Rasoolabad, on Saturday, said that the decision of SP chief and former Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav to contest from Kannauj stemmed from the INDIA bloc’s inability to get a candidate for the constituency. “When he had the chance, he worked to spoil the essence of Kannauj’s perfume,” he added.
Yogi stated: “They initially fielded one candidate only to cancel his ticket later. Subsequently, another candidate was nominated, who eventually withdrew from the race. When a third candidate was proposed, he declined. With no viable option left, the SP President now claims that he is eager to serve.”
Yogi claimed that during the tenure of Akhilesh Yadav as the state Chief Minister, Uttar Pradesh witnessed frequent outbreak of violence. The safety of women and business owners was compromised, while the rights of the underprivileged were trampled upon. The former Chief Minister even glorified rioters by inviting them to his residence, he added.
During his address, he urged the public to reelect Subrat Pathak, the BJP candidate for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections in Kannauj. The CM called upon ordinary citizens to canvas from door to door, expressing their preference for Rambhakts (devotees of Lord Ram) over Ramdrohis (those opposed to Lord Ram).
The CM asserted that in the new India, there exists security, welfare for the impoverished, development, and reverence for heritage and faith. He contrasted the SP’s actions of firing upon Ram devotees and withdrawing cases against terrorists with the BJP’s accomplishment of constructing the Ram temple.