Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday paid obeisance to Sant Shiromani Sadguru Ravidas on the occasion of his 646th birth anniversary at the temple located in Seer Govardhanpur in Varanasi.
The Chief Minister congratulated all the disciples of Sant Ravidas and devotees on the occasion and said that Sadguru Ravidasji attached great importance to hard work and devotion.
The CM said that Sant Ravidas gave a very broad message of Karma to the society by coining the popular saying in Hindi ‘Man Changa To Kathauti Mein Ganga’. The Chief Minister also met Sadhguru Niranjan Das and read out to him the message sent by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
The Chief Minister said: “Today is a very auspicious day. Six hundred and forty six years ago, a divine light, who had achieved success through his penance and spiritual practice in the company of Sadguru Ramanand Ji Maharaj, a renowned saint of the then devotional path, manifested on this holy land of Kashi. Today, it is clearly visible to all of us how the path for the welfare of humanity is being paved as a gift of that achievement.
Today, first of all, on behalf of the Central and State Government, I congratulate all the devotees and all the well wishers associated with Seer Govardhan. We all know that along with devotion, Sadhguru always gave importance to ‘Karmasadhna’ (hard work).”