Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Monday said that expressways, highways and waterways built in the country over the past nine years are the face of ‘New India.’
During the foundation stone laying ceremony of 5 NH projects worth Rs 2,200 crore in Pratapgarh, he said: “The work done in the area of infrastructure by Union Minister Nitin Gadkari, under the direction of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, could not be accomplished in the past 70 years of independence.”
The CM described the 4-lane highway connecting Pratapgarh to Ayodhya, Sultanpur, whose foundation stone was laid at the event, as “an extremely important National Highway Project ” in view of the fact that the grand Ram Temple will be inaugurated in Ayodhya early next year.
Union Minister Nitin Gadkari said that Uttar Pradesh will become the number one state in the country in the coming times under the leadership of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. “Farmers will advance, they will find work, and Uttar Pradesh’s road infrastructure will match that of the United States,” he said.
He said that today the law and order situation of Uttar Pradesh is being discussed across the country. The development of any state depends on its industries. Without industry, there will not be any jobs, and without jobs, poverty will not be eradicated.
Gadkari further stated that Uttar Pradesh is making rapid strides in terms of agricultural development, infrastructure improvement, and industrial growth. “Under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi and CM Yogi, we are making eight green field corridors in Uttar Pradesh, which will be very helpful in the development of Uttar Pradesh.”
The Union Minister said that 40 bypasses are going to be built in Uttar Pradesh at a cost of Rs 41,000 crore.
The five NH projects are the construction of 43-km long Pratapgarh-Sultanpur four-lane road at a cost of Rs 1290 crore, 21-km long Chilbila-Lohia Nagar two-lane paved shoulder road at a cost of Rs 333 crore, 11-km long four-lane CC road on Bhupiyamau-Gode section in Pratapgarh town at a cost of Rs 325 crore, two-lane paved shoulder bypass from NH-31 to NH-330 of Pratapgarh at a cost of Rs.225 crore, and street light, high mast light and development of shelters in Pratapgarh district at a cost of Rs 27 crore.