Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath hits out at Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Saturday on her repeatedly meeting with the victims of anti-CAA protests and said that those ‘repeatedly rejected’ by people were still pursuing politics of appeasement and questioned the show of ‘sympathy for rioters’.
“Why so much sympathy to those who burn, vandalise your property? Why are they standing with rioters and hooligans who harm peace, security and public property of the country,” a tweet from Yogi Adityanath Office said.
“People are watching and they understand. Despite being rejected repeatedly, they are not desisting from politics of appeasement. They will never succeed in their designs,” it added.
The tweets came after Priyanka Gandhi’s unscheduled visit to Muzaffarnagar and Meerut districts to meet the victims. However, the tweet didn’t mention her directly.
“Maintaining peace and tranquillity is the responsibility of your government and it is fulfilling it with full commitment,” another tweet said.