Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday said that while he has not yet recieved the personal invitation to the consecration ceremony of the Ram Mandir, he will visit the temple with his family after the January 22 event.
“I want to go with my wife, children and parents to visit Ram Mandir. We will go after the consecration ceremony,” Kejriwal told reporters in Delhi.
When asked about the invitation, the Delhi CM said, “I received a letter from them (government)…when we called them, we were informed that a team will come to give a final and personal invitation. That team has not come yet.”
Kejriwal is the latest INDIA alliance leader to skip the consecration ceremony. Earlier today, RJD chief and former Bihar CM Lalu Yadav had said that he will not attend the ceremony.
NCP chief Sharad Pawar also said that the he will visit the Ram Mandir after the January 22 ceremony when the temple construction will be completed.
“The darshan of Shri Ram Lalla can be done peacefully and with devotion after the ceremonies are over on January 22. I have a scheduled visit to Ayodhya, and at that time I will have the darshan of Shri Ram Lalla, by then the construction of the temple will also be completed,” Pawar said.
The Opposition has slammed the BJP for consecrating an incomplete temple after four Shankaracharyas (religious heads) reportedly decide to boycott the ceremony over alleged violation of rules of ancient Sanatan Dharma texts.
The Opposition have accused the BJP of doing politics on Lord Ram and using the religious programme for electoral gains.