Minister of State for Tribal Affairs Renuka Singh was caught on camera on Sunday threatening Chhattisgarh officials deployed at a quarantine centre saying that she “knows how to take people to a room and beat them with belts.”
The incident happened at a COVID-19 quarantine centre at Balrampur district, nearly 400 km from the state capital Raipur.
The Union minister is seen saying, “Dadagiri nahin chalegi. Andheri kothri me le ja ke na main belt khol ke thokna jaanti hu bohot acche se (I know how to lock people in a room and beat them with a belt),” in the video recorded on Sunday.
“No one should think our government is not in power. We ruled for 15 years. The central government has enough money for coronavirus. I will make sure people get the funds they need. Don’t think these saffron-wearing BJP workers are weak,” Singh is seen reprimanding officials who are not visible in the video.
Dilip Gupta, a resident of Balrampur after his return from Delhi was kept at the the local quarantine centre. He had complained about the quality of food and other facilities at the centre and shot a video of the place depicting poor facilities available there and posted it on social media. He alleged that the district officials assaulted him and snatched his video.
The minister visited the quarantine centre and spoke to Gupta. Thereafter she railed at the officials present there.