Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said that the J&K youth will not face miseries like their previous generations, as he laid the foundation of Rs.20,000 crore worth of development projects in Jammu aimed at “reducing Dilli Sey Doori (distance from Delhi)”.
Speaking on the National Panchayati Raj Day at Palli in Jammu’s Samba district, Modi said, “youth of the valley mark my words, you will not face those problems that were faced by your parents and grandparents. I promise I will make it happen and I have come to assure you of that.”
Modi, who came here for the first time to address a public rally after the abrogation of Article 370 in August 2019, dwelt on democracy and development has reached the grassroots in Jammu and Kashmir during the past three years. Striking a chord with the native Dogra community of Jammu, the Prime Minister recited couplets in the Dogri language.
Using the “Delhi ki Doorian” phrase again, Modi said the ‘ Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat’ initiative in the past eight years was aimed at reducing distances, whether ‘ Dilli ki Doorian’ or “cultural or linguistic distances.” Modi had earlier used the phrase during his all parties meeting with J&K leaders. “Distances, whether of hearts, languages, customs or of resources, their elimination is our very big priority”, he added.
He said the connectivity projects initiated across J&K and Ladakh will end the distances from Delhi and several new road projects between Srinagar and Delhi have already reduced the travel time by two hours. “The day is not far when the Kanyakumari Devi will directly be connected with the Mata Vaishno Devi by the under-construction express way,” he added.
In the coming 25 years, Modi said, J&K will witness a new era of development. “Investors from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) I met before addressing the rally are excited to invest in J&K. From just Rs.17,000 crore investment in the past 70 years, the figures have touched Rs. 38,000 crores in just two years. Investors are coming here with an open mind,” Modi said.
The Prime Minister said Kashmir was witnessing a boom in tourism. “Kashmir recorded more tourists in just a few months this year than the past few years. All hotels and guest houses booked till June-July”.
It’s a proud moment that democracy has percolated to the grassroots level in J&K, and from here I am addressing the elected panchayat representatives across the country. It was unfortunate that J&K could not adopt the virtues of the Panchayat Act till recently. For the first time, three-tier elections from village to district level were held peacefully. Over 30,000 representatives are now running the village system on their own. Today is a landmark day in the development journey of Jammu and Kashmir”
Modi said, due to his long association with the J&K, he understands the issues involved and expressed happiness about the focus on connectivity in the projects inaugurated and for which the foundation stone was laid today. To give a new impetus to the development of Jammu and Kashmir, work is going on at a fast pace. These efforts will provide employment to a large number of youths of Jammu and Kashmir”, he said.
The Prime Minister underlined the changed system of working in the Jammu and Kashmir, by giving an example of the 500 KW solar plant that was established in three weeks whereas earlier even the movement of files from Delhi used to take 2-3 weeks.
Modi referred to India’s leadership on international environmental and climate change platforms and expressed pride in the strides that Palli Panchayat is making towards becoming the first carbon-neutral panchayat. “Palli Panchayat is moving towards becoming the first Carbon Neutral Panchayat in the country. Reiterating his push for organic farming the Prime Minister said that it is critical to free mother earth of chemicals as it is harming the land and groundwater. He said if our villages move towards organic farming that will benefit entire humanity.
Referring to the process of inclusion of Jammu and Kashmir in the development journey of the nation, the Prime Minister said that more than 175 central laws have become applicable in Jammu and Kashmir. The biggest beneficiaries of this have been the women, poor, Valmikis, and deprived section of the area.