West Bengal Governor Keshari Nath Tripathi is preparing a report on the prevailing situation in the state in the wake of Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee’s dharna against CBI’s attempt to grill Kolkata Police chief, according to a source in the Raj Bhavan.
Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh had called up Tripathi on Sunday to take stock of the situation after a CBI team, which went to Kolkata Police Commissioner Rajeev Kumar’s residence in the city to question him in connection with ponzi scams, was denied permission, bundled into jeeps and whisked to a police station.
The Chief Minister has been sitting on a dharna since 8.30 pm Sunday in protest against CBI action, accusing Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP president Amit Shah of trying to organise a coup in Bengal.
According to officials, Tripathi told the Union home minister that he had summoned the chief secretary and director general of police (DGP) and asked them to take immediate action to resolve the situation.
The source in the Raj Bhavan said that the Special Investigation Branch (SIB) submitted its findings to Tripathi, following which he has started compiling a report, meant to be sent to the Ministry of Home Affairs.
He also said that the governor was preparing the report after holding discussions with state Chief Secretary Malay De and other officials.