Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday attacked Mamata Banerjee-led Trinamool Congress (TMC) at an election rally in Purulia, West Bengal and using Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee’s phrase of ‘Khlela Hoba’ said, “Didi, O Didi – you played for 10 years.. Khela shesh hobe, vikas aarambh hobe(game will be over and development will begin),”
PM Modi targeted CM Mamata Banerjee over charges of corruption and lack of development in the state.
He said, “West Bengal can only develop when all sectors come together. Mamata didi, however, never brought together the Dalits, tribals, SCs/STs and other such classes. The 10 years of corruption has dealt a massive blow to these people.”
The PM responded to TMC leader’s ‘Khle Hobe’ with ‘Vikas Hobe, Sonar Bangla Hobe.’
He said, “Didi says, Khela Hobe, BJP says chakri hobe, development hobe, education hobe, hospital hobe, school hobe, sonar bangla hobe.”
Addressing a sizeable crowd in the largely tribal region of the state, he said that the people of Bengal have ‘made up their mind’ and this time around the TMC government will be ousted.
“The people of Bengal have made up their mind long ago. People of Bengal have been saying this since long ago – TMC Half in Lok Sabha and this time completely clean,” he said.
He attacked the ruling TMC government and said that the TMC will be punished for 10 years of misrule and politics of appeasement.
He said that the Central government’s policy is ‘Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT)’ but in West Bengal, ‘the Didi government has a demerit – Transfer My Commission (TMC)’.
He accused the TMC government of betraying the tribals and the poor by depriving them of central benefits. He said, “The cut money, Tolabaji (commission), has hurt the poor and the Adivasis the most.”
PM Modi spoke for the first time on Mamata Banerjee’s injury which she sustained in Nandigram from where she is fighting the elections against BJP’s Suvendu Adhikari.
“When Didi got hurt, I was worried. I pray for her quick recovery,” he said.
PM Modi addressing the crowd in Purulia said that the TMC government left Purulia with water stress. “TMC is engaged in playing games, have abandoned farmers,”he said.
“These people have given Purulia a life riddled with a water crisis. They have given Purulia, migration. They have given the poor of Purulia, discriminatory governance. They have given Purulia an identity of being one of the most backward areas of the country,” he added.
The PM made a slew of promises of development and governance in the region and the state when BJP is voted to power.
West Bengal assembly elections will be held in eight phases starting from March 27 with the final round of voting on April 29. The results will be declared on May 2.