Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Tuesday said his government has eliminated corruption and nepotism which used to prevail during the tenure of previous governments in the state.
After dedicating 347 projects worth about Rs. 2,741 crores through video conferencing from Ferozepur Jhirka, Nuh, the CM said the difference between what used to happen during the time of previous governments and what is happening today under our tenure is clearly visible.
“There was corruption, and nepotism in the previous government, which our government has eliminated. Earlier the rights of the poor person were snatched. I assure you that now the injustice done to any poor person will not be tolerated, everyone will get justice and everyone will get their rights,” he said.
The CM said in the last eight-and-half-years, more than one lakh government jobs have been given in the state. A total of 35 lakh people of the state have got employment opportunities including these one lakh government jobs.
Khattar said Congress leaders are spreading false propaganda in the name of unemployment. He has pointed out a magazine that shows 35 to 40 per cent unemployment in Haryana. While the reality is that in any developing and developed state, six to seven per cent unemployment is there which is natural.
“Congress during its tenure had promoted three Cs (crime, corruption, caste based politics) but as soon as we came to power, our government improved these systems by cracking down on corruption and ending caste-based politics. Since corruption stopped, 30 to 40 per cent more work has been done with the money which used to be spent on corruption,” he said.
“Caste politics is not going to benefit us, it will benefit those who do development work and work for the welfare of the people,” Khattar added.
He said the state government has developed numerous portals and applications to enable people to access government schemes while sitting at home. While some leaders call us ‘Portal Ki Sarkar.’ However, the reality is that without more than 100 apps and portals, people won’t be able to get the benefits of these schemes, the CM added.