Shiv Sena leader Priyanka Chaturvedi and Amruta Fadnavis, the wife of former Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis got engaged in a verbal duel on social media site Twitter, on Sunday, over media reports that to build a memorial in memory of Shiv Sena founder Bal Thackeray, the Uddhav Thackeray led Maharashtra government was planning to cut down around 1,000 trees in Aurangabad.
Amruta Fadnavis took to Twitter and posted with the reported news article and said, “Hypocrisy is a disease! Get well soon @ShivSena! Tree cutting- at ur convenience or allowing tree cutting only when you earn commission – unpardonable sins!!”
It was an obvious reference to Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray’s decision to suspend work on the upcoming Mumbai Metro car-shed at the Aarey Colony. The decision is considered as a major step as two months ago, there was a massive protest in Mumbai over the cutting of trees in Aarey colony by the Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation Ltd (MMRCL) authorities.
Aurangabad Mayor Nandkumar Ghodele refuted the reports. He said, “There are rumours that we are going to cut trees to build a memorial for Hindu Hriday Samrat Balasaheb Thackeray. As the mayor, I would like to clarify that no trees will be cut for the construction of the memorial.”
Sena leader Priyanka Chaturvedi stepped in and replied on Amruta Fadnavis’ tweet, “compulsive lying is a bigger disease” than hypocrisy.
Chaturvedi said, Ma’am, sorry to disappoint you but the truth is that not a single tree will be cut for the memorial, mayor has confirmed it too. Also, just to be clear, compulsive lying is a bigger disease, get well soon PS: Commission to cut trees is a new policy measure promoted by @bjpmaha?”
Priyanka Chaturvedi in yet another tweet with the video message of Aurangabad Mayor confirming that they are not any tree for the memorial, said, “Hope this helps in a speedier recovery. As always, happy to help.”
Two months back, the MMRCL had chopped off around 2000 trees in few hours amid the protests by the locals over environmental concerns, for the Metro Line 3 car shed at Mumbai’s Aarey Colony. The chopping-off of trees stopped when the Supreme Court intervened.