

Vinoba Bhave University Hazaribagh has declared M.Ed results on official website | Check now at vbu.ac.in

Vinoba Bhave University results: The Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribagh has released the results of second and fourth-semester for M.Ed on the official website.

Vinoba Bhave University Hazaribagh has declared M.Ed results on official website | Check now at vbu.ac.in


Vinoba Bhave University results: The Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribagh has released the results of second and fourth-semester for M.Ed on the official website.

The aspirants can check the results on the official website-vbu.ac.in


The candidates should note that the results are available on the official website. in a PDF format. The PDF file will consist of roll number, name and SGPA of the student. The names of candidates who have failed in the examination have also been shown separately.


How to check the results:

• Visit the official website-vbu.ac.in 

• After that, click on ‘Results’ link.

• Next, click on the link for M.Tech results.

• The PDF file will open. Check your result and save it for future reference.

Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribagh has also released the results of other examinations. Results of B.Tech and M.Tech examinations are also declared on the official website.

Important information:

• For more information, the candidates can visit the official website.

Note: The website might be slow right now, the candidate are advised to keep trying to visit the official website frequently.
