While inaugurating the world conference on Vedas in New Delhi on Friday, Vice-President M Venkaiah Naidu said that the Vedas preach world peace, universal brotherhood and welfare of all.
At the “Vishwa Ved Sammelan”, Naidu said that the Vedas have great relevance to humanity and quoted the Rigveda, Verse 5.60.5, to highlight that no individual in the society is either big or small, according to Vedas.
Naidu said, the Yajurveda mentions that the knowledge of Vedas is meant for the well-being of the entire humanity. The Vedas do not refer to any caste or community, he added.
Underlining that the Vedas are the earliest works of ancient knowledge and philosophy in India, Naidu said our civilisation, culture, thoughts and philosophy are rooted in the Vedas.
Naidu said the Vedas are the source of knowledge and guide us to advance in economic, social, educational and political fields, while helping us maintain a high moral and ethical standards.
He said that the Vedic philosophy states that truth, non-violence, patience, penance and spiritual uplift are the foundations of a human life. Vedas convey the message of religious harmony, equality and nation’s progress.
Naidu said Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati, the builder of modern India and founder of Arya Samaj, had given the message “Back to the Vedas” to the world, which has been en endorsed by the renowned philosophers all over the world.