Uttarakhand Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat and Yog Guru Ramdev attended the wedding function of South Africa based Gupta family in Auli on Saturday. Atul Gupta’s son Shashank tied the knot with Shivangi in the presence of family members, select guests and Bollywood stars in pristine Auli in district Chamoli. Earlier this week, Ajay Gupta’s son Suryakant’s marriage took place at the same venue on 19-20 June.
Uttarakhand Chief Minister Trivendra Rawat reached the wedding location at 12.30 pm and stayed there for over one-and-a-half-hour. Ramdev arrived in Auli on 21 June evening. Ramdev hosted a special Yoga session for the Indo Tibetan Border Police Jawans on Saturday.
The Gupta family has been camping in Auli since the start of the week. Hyped as the Rs 200 Crore wedding, the marriage of two sons of South African business tycoons took place in Uttarakhand. Former Uttarakhand Chief Minister Harish Rawat too attended the first marriage of the Gupta family.
The Gupta family and other guests will be staying in Auli till Sunday morning and after that, the environmental issues, which many were raising, are expected to take the centre stage.