Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Sunday said that the alleged use of forged identity cards in the Youth Congress organisational election in the state, which was held on November 14, is a very serious matter.
Speaking to media persons on the platform of Nava Kerala Sadas in Kasargod, Pinarayi Vijayan said it is something that should not have happened. He said the police are investigating whether this has happened before and how it will affect the elections.
The Kerala Police have registered a case in connection with the alleged use of forged identity cards in the Youth Congress organisational election in the state which was held on November 14.
An eight-member special team of Kerala Police have been assigned to probe the alleged use of fake voters ID cards during the Youth Congress election in the state
Speaking on the success of the Nava Kerala Sadas, Vijayan said that 1908 complaints were received in the Sadas (Nava Kerala Sadas) on Saturday and action will be taken after examining all these complaints.
Vijayan on Saturday alleged that the Centre government is financially strangulating the state government. He said there has been a shortfall of more than Rs 57,000 crore in what is due from the Centre. This is an example of how a state is being viewed with hostility, he said on Saturday.
Nava Kerala Sadas, the LDF government’s month-long outreach programme which commenced on Saturday, will conclude on December 23 at Vattiyoorkavu in Thiruvananthapuram. The programme involves the entire Council of Ministers engaging directly with the public.