UPSC CMS 2025 registration ends TODAY! Here’s how you can apply in the last minute
To avoid last-minute technical issues, candidates should apply as soon as possible by visiting the official website upsconline (dot) gov (dot) in.
UPSC Civil Service Exam 2018: The candidates who have appeared in the examination can check their marks from the official website-
UPSC Civil Service Exam 2018: Union Public Service Commission has released the UPSC Civil Service marks for the recommended candidates of Civil Services exam 2018. The candidates who have appeared in the examination can check their marks from the official website-
The marks have been released in the form of a PDF file and the candidates can check their written exam marks, personality test marks, and total marks available on the pdf file.
How to check UPSC Civil Service marks for the recommended candidates?
The candidates can check their marks by following the steps given below:
• Visit the official
• On the homepage, click on the link that says, “Marks of recommended candidates”
• A PDF will open.
• Check your scores and download them for future reference.
Direct Link: The candidates can download their admit cards by clicking on the direct link here.
Kanishak Kataria, the topper, scored a total of 1121 marks. Akshat Jain, who came second, got 1080 marks and Junaid Ahmad, who came third, got 1077 marks.
The Civil Service examination is an annual examination, that is conducted by UPSC. It consists of Preliminary, Mains and Interview round to select candidates for Indian Administrative Service, Indian Foreign Service, Indian Police Service and Central Services, Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’.
For more information, the candidates should check the official website.