The Uttar Pradesh government has set a target to provide tap water to the remaining 50 lakh of the 2.67 crore households of the state under the Jal Jeevan Mission in the financial year 2024-25 itself.
Within a span of 18 days of the new financial year, connections have been provided to more than 2 lakh houses, constituting 40 percent of the first quarter target of over 5 lakhs, official sources here on Wednesday claimed.
It is noteworthy that tap water connections have been provided to more than 2.17 crore houses of UP till April 18, 2024, under the Jal Jeevan Mission scheme of the Central government.
As per the action plan for 2024-25, the government has set the target to provide 5.29 lakh connections each in the first and second quarters.
Furthermore, the government plans to achieve 40 lakh remaining connections in the last two quarters of the financial year with more than 10.5 lakh connections in the third quarter and 30 lakh connections in the fourth and final quarter.
In the initial 18 days of the financial year 2024-25, more than 2 lakh connections have been provided, indicating a strong possibility that the government will achieve this goal ahead of schedule.
Previously, in 2023-24, the target was to provide 85 lakh connections, and nearly 140 percent or approximately 1.19 crore connections were distributed relative to that target.