UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, on Tuesday, said healthcare in the state has undergone a transformative progress in the recent years. He mentioned that medical colleges are now being established in every district of the state. “While only 17 medical colleges were built in the state from 1947 to 2017, today,there is a medical college in 64 districts of Uttar Pradesh”, he stated.
While virtually addressing a programme organized on the 9th Ayurveda Day from Meerut, he said, “Ayurveda defines health as maintaining the well-being of healthy individuals and treating those who are ill. Today, Ayurveda Day is celebrated in honor of the father of Ayurveda, with this year’s theme being “Ayurveda Innovation for Global Health.”
Yogi said that a new policy has been formed for 11 districts to accelerate the construction of medical colleges. Currently, it has two AIIMS (All India Institutes of Medical Sciences) branches. “AIIMS Delhi has expressed its willingness to provide land for a satellite center in Ghaziabad, which will benefit residents of Hapur, Meerut, Ghaziabad, and Bulandshahr. This proposal is in the process of approval. These initiatives are expected to advance quickly”, he remarked.
He also mentioned that on the occasion of Lord Dhanvantari’s birthday, PM Narendra Modi will be presenting citizens with a scheme worth thousands of crores.
The CM expressed gratitude to the Prime Minister for the groundbreaking ceremony of the SIC Hospital, the launch of the Ayushman Bharat scheme for every citizen aged 70 and above, and for modernizing facilities at CDRI and AIIMS Gorakhpur, along with the establishment of various medical institutions across the country.
Yogi said the state is providing the most benefits under the Ayushman Bharat scheme. “More than 5.14 crore citizens have received the Ayushman Bharat golden card. Facilities for workers have also been increased. Under PM Modi’s guidance, the UP Labor and Employment Department has established Atal Residential Schools in every divisional headquarters for construction workers”, he stated.
“Rapid rail has further connected Meerut and Delhi, reducing the travel time to just 40 minutes. The Ganga Expressway is linking Meerut to Prayagraj, and once complete, this journey will take just six to seven hours. By the Prayagraj Kumbh in 2025, people from western UP will have the chance to take a holy dip in the sacred Triveni Sangam,” he added.Yogi said that the government is working to make Meerut a hub for sports items under the One District, One Product (ODOP) scheme. He emphasized that Meerut not only meets India’s demand for sports items, but also supplies them globally.