The statewide crusade against illicit liquor in Uttar Pradesh has brought the desired results. A team comprising officials of the Excise Department, police and the district administrations has so far seized 26.68 lakh litres of illicit liquor, arresting 29,701 accused, officials said here on Tuesday.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s commitment to ending the illicit liquor in the state led to the crackdown on the illegal trade.
According to the Excise Commissioner Senthil Pandian C, thanks to the crackdown by the Excise Department, there has not been a single untoward incident due to the consumption of illicit liquor in the last financial year.
Seven special enforcement drives were carried out on special occasions and festivals with the joint efforts of the Excise Department, the police and district administrations with the cooperation of the GST and Transport Department.
Under special enforcement operations, 2,10,465 raids were conducted and 27,491 cases were registered and 7.52 lakh liters of illicit liquor was seized. As many as 9,380 accused involved in the illegal liquor trade were arrested and cases were registered against them under the Excise Act as well as other relevant sections whereas 225 vehicles used for the transportation of illegal liquor were seized.
According to the Excise Commissioner, in the year 2022-23, 7,63,278 raids were conducted against the production, sale and smuggling of illicit liquor and 91,100 cases were registered and 26.68 lakh liters of illicit liquor was recovered. Besides, 29,701 accused involved in illegal liquor trade were arrested and cases were registered against them under the Excise Act as well as other relevant sections and 692 vehicles used for transportation of illegal liquor were seized.
Toll-free number ‘14405’ and WhatsApp number 9454466019 at Excise Headquarters, Prayagraj for information from the general public regarding the manufacture, sale and smuggling of illicit liquor, remain continuously functional 24×7. Immediate and effective action was taken on the information received.
According to the Excise Commissioner, in order to curb the production of illegal liquor, action was taken by holding frequent meetings with watchmen, accountants and licensees at the village level, obtaining information about the places of sale of illegal liquor.
For surprise inspection of excise shops and prevention of the sale of liquor at higher prices, continuous test purchasing was done and action was taken to cancel the license in case of any serious irregularities. Apart from this, only GPS-fitted vehicles are being used in the state for complete monitoring of the transportation of molasses, alcohol and liquor. Provision has been made to install CCTV cameras in liquor distilleries, wholesale permits and retail shops. Vehicles carrying Molasses and Alcohol are being digitally locked using DigiLock to prevent possible theft.