On Monday, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath started the first day of 2024 with performing ‘Rudrabhishek’ of Mahadev and extending his love and blessings to children visiting Gorakhnath temple.
The Chief Minister prayed to Lord Shiva for happiness, prosperity and peace in the lives of all the citizens.
During his visit to the Gorakhnath temple in the morning, Chief Minister and Gorakshpeethadhishwar Yogi Adityanath performed ‘Rudrabhishek’ as per the rituals at the Shaktipeeth, located on the first floor of his residence in the temple.
The acharyas and purohits diligently completed the ‘Rudrabhishek (ritual of worshipping Lord Shiva in the Rudra form)’, followed by havan and aarti to the chants of Vedic mantras. After the rituals were completed, the Chief Minister wished the people of the state a healthy, happy, prosperous and peaceful life.
Later the Chief Minister met some children, who braving the cold had come to visit the Gorakhnath Temple to offer prayers. One of the children also celebrated his birthday with the Chief Minister. Adityanath blessed the children and extended his good wishes for their success in studies, good health, and progress in life.
On seeing the CM, the excited children approached him, touched his feet and wished him on the New Year.
One of the boys told the CM that he hailed from Prayagraj and had come to the Gorakhnath Temple with his family as part of pilgrimage. Another boy from Gorakhpur mentioned that it was his birthday today, and he had come to seek blessings from Guru Gorakhnath. Upon hearing this, the CM extended his warm birthday wishes to him.