Central Foodgrain Procurement Portal (CFPP) has been developed after unifying various procurement portals developed by procuring agencies to share identified MTP (Minimum Threshold Parameters) for the development of an application eco-system wherein requisite information in respect of procurement is made available at a single source for monitoring and strategic decision making and to ensure uniformity and transparency.
MTP involves online registration of farmers, integration of land records, digitised mandi operations, MSP transfer to farmers, CMR/Wheat delivery management and API-based integration. Through the portal, data synchronisation is being done. Food grain procurement operations are digitised in all states and portals of 24 states integrated with the national portal. From KMS 2021-22, direct online transfer of MSP is being made into farmers’ accounts.
Computerisation of warehouse management at the state level has been initiated to ensure real-time visibility of central pool food grains across the country. The national portal is ready and the integration of State systems is in progress. All FCI warehouses were assessed and graded through QCI/WDRA certification.
During 2017-22, a total of 12:25 LMT silos at 24 locations have been completed and put into use whereas a total of 15.50 LMT silos at 31 locations are at different stages of implementation.
A major push towards bulk handling of grain is underway with the target of creation of 111 LMT grain silos under the Hub & Spoke model.
Tenders under DBFOT mode involving four projects (bundles) with 10.125 LMT capacity have been floated out of which 2 projects (eight locations) have been finalised and the remaining two will be finalized in the next 15 days. Bids for tenders under DBFOO mode involving three projects(bundles) with 24.75 LMT capacity have been called by October 31.
The rainfall this year has been fairly good in the country and the production of paddy is expected to remain normal.
For the Kharif crop of current KMS 2022-23, a quantity of 771 LMT Paddy (518 LMT in terms of Rice) has been estimated to be procured. The estimate of Rabi Paddy of KMS 2022-23 shall be fixed in the month of Feb/Mar 2023.
Procurement of the Kharif crop of Paddy in the current KMS 2022-23 has commenced. A quantity of around 58 LMT Paddy (39 LMT in terms of Rice) has been procured up to 16.10.2022 which is higher as compared to the procurement during the same period last year in KMS 2021-22.
The reduction in Wheat procurement during RMS 2022-23 is due to an increase in market price and demand-supply mismatch on account of the geopolitical situation.
The market prices of wheat remained continuously higher than the MSP throughout the procurement period across the country. Consequently, the farmers could reap higher remuneration for their produce which is the main objective of the policy of Govt. of India towards farmers’ welfare.
On account of fairly good rainfall conditions in the country, it is expected that Wheat production and procurement in the next Rabi Season shall remain normal.
A quantity of 6.30 LMT coarse grain has been procured during KMS 2021-22 under the central pool. To promote coarse grains, GOI has planned to procure 13.72 LMT during KMS 2022-23 (Kharif season).
Even after meeting additional allocation of PMGKAY VII of 119.62 LMT (21.01 LMT Wheat and 98.61 LMT Rice), NFSA and OWS requirements, the sufficient stock will be available under Central Pool over & above the buffer norms.
Government is well aware and regularly monitors the prices scenario of essential commodities and takes corrective measures, as required. In comparison to the last month, there is a marginal decrease in retail and wholesale prices of Rice and retail price of Wheat. There is a negligible hike in the wholesale price of Wheat and prices are under control.
The government has taken proactive steps to avoid any further price rises and export regulations were imposed in the case of Wheat w.e.f. 13.05.2022 and w.e.f. 08.05.2022 in case of Broken Rice leading to an immediate containment in the prices of Wheat and Rice.
During the last two years, prices of Wheat and Rice have gone up corresponding to the MSP increase during the relevant years.