Former Chief Minister and PDP leader Mehbooba Mufti on Tuesday said that she has been put under house arrest in her Srinagar residence that exposes the government’s “fake” claims of normalcy in Kashmir.
Mehbooba said this on her Twitter handle and also posted pictures of the locked gate of her Srinagar residence and also a police vehicle parked to block entry of her house. This comes a day after she said that the last rites of hardline separatist Syed Ali Shah Geelani should have been performed according to the wishes of the family. Mehbooba had earlier criticized the government for booking some relatives of Geelani who on 2 September draped his body with a Pakistani flag and also raised anti-India slogans.
Mehbooba of Tuesday tweeted; “GOI expresses concern for the rights of Afghan people but wilfully denies the same to Kashmiris. Ive been placed under house arrest today because according to admin the situation is far from normal in Kashmir. This exposes their fake claims of normalcy”.
Earlier, Mehbooba tweeted; “GOI’s dubious claims that people of J&K now enjoy equal rights is a barefaced lie as truth is that even their basic human rights dead or alive are suspended with pervasive impunity”.
In another tweet, she criticised the centre; “Having turned Kashmir into an open air prison, now even the dead aren’t spared. A family isn’t allowed to mourn & bid a final farewell as per their wishes. Booking Geelani sahab’s family under UAPA shows GOI’s deep rooted paranoia & ruthlessness. This is New India’s Naya Kashmir”.
To dispel rumours about the alleged desecration of the top separatist, the J&K Police had earlier posted video clips of Geelani’s burial with all Islamic rites. The video showed that the body of Geelani was given proper ablution by wrapping it in white shroud and then lowered into the grave near his residence amid recitation of verses from the holy Quran.
It is worth mentioning that Pakistani agencies after the death of Geelani have been trying to instigate the Kashmiri youth by posting provocative material on the social media.