In the aftermath of a violent incident that sparked communal unrest, the authorities of Udaipur Administration in Rajasthan carried out a bulldozer action on Saturday, demolishing the rented house in which the stabbing accused and his family were living.
The demolition took place just a day after the stabbing incident led to communal tensions, with mobs torching vehicles, damaging shops, and engaging in stone-pelting.
The accused, a Class 10 student from a government school, allegedly attacked his classmate from another religion over a personal dispute that reportedly escalated on social media.
The situation took a communal turn when the incident drew the attention of various Hindu groups, intensifying the unrest in the city.
The violence prompted the district administration to impose prohibitory orders and suspend.internet services for 24 hours.
The demolished property belonged to a man named Rashid Khan, who identified himself as the landlord. Khan, who was visibly distressed, shared his grievances in a video circulating online.
“The family of the boy who was involved is now living at their relative’s place,” Khan stated, adding that his property housed four other families who were also forced to vacate.
In the video, Khan questioned the actions of the authorities, lamenting, “Why is the administration demolishing my house? I went to the municipal corporation but everyone is on leave. I went to the police station, but they refused to stop the demolition. This is an injustice towards me – I have lost my house without any fault of mine.”