Indore man commits suicide alleging harassment by wife, in-laws
In his suicide note, Nitin Padiyar (28) urged the Union government to change the laws that are misused by many women against their husbands.
The boy was 18 years old and the girl was 17 years old. Her parents vehemently opposed the marriage and she had narrated her ordeal to the boy.
Two teenagers ended their life by jumping before a running train in Kamptee about 20 km from here, Police said on Saturday. Both are residents of the old city area in Kamptee and were missing for two days. Girl’s mother had lodged a missing complaint with Kamptee Police two days ago.
On Saturday morning, police were informed that two bodies are lying on the railway track near Kanhan river bridge. Both have allegedly committed suicide by jumping before Howrah-Ahmedabad Express train, Police Inspector of Kamptee Santosh Wairagade said, adding parents of both the deceased were against their love affair and proposed marriage.
The boy was 18 years old and the girl was 17 years old. Her parents vehemently opposed the marriage and she had narrated her ordeal to the boy. Both had run away from their respective homes six days ago, police said, adding that the missing complaint was lodged only two days ago.