Two hybrid terrorists of Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) were arrested on Wednesday by security forces in North Kashmir’s Baramulla. The duo was nabbed at Azadgunj Baramulla by a joint team of Army’s 46 RR, 53 Bn CRPF and the J&K Police, the police said.
One pistol, one pistol magazine, four pistol rounds and one grenade have been recovered from them. Case under Arms and UA (P) Act has been registered.
A day earlier, a hybrid terrorist of Al-Badr identified as Arfat Yusuf of Rajpora Pulwama was arrested from Batmaloo in Srinagar with a Glock Pistol, 20 live rounds and 2 magazines.
Yusuf, who had committed in acts of terrorism in Pulwama, shifted to Srinagar with the intent to indulge in terrorist activities.
A grenade-throwing terror module of four terrorists was busted last week in South Kashmir’s Kulgam by Army’s 1 RR and J&K Police. Arms and ammunition were recovered from them.