Teenager stabbed to death by unidentified assailant in NE Delhi
In a case of blind murder, a teenager was fatally stabbed by an unidentified assailant in the Shiv Vihar area of the North East Delhi area, authorities said on Tuesday.
The accused have been identified as Nigam Gurjar and Kuldeep Thakur, residents of Gurugram, Haryana. They claim to be associated with Hindu Sena.
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Two armed assailants accused of attacking the jail van carrying Shraddha murder case accused Aaftab Amin Poonawala outside Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL), Rohini have been arrested and sent to 14 days judicial custody after presenting them in the court.
The accused have been identified as Nigam Gurjar and Kuldeep Thakur, residents of Gurugram, Haryana. They claim to be associated with Hindu Sena. The duo, along with their supporters, attacked the jail van while Aaftab was being taken back to Tihar Jail after his polygraph test at the FSL.
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On the other hand the Commissioner of Police, Delhi Sanjay Arora visited Vikaspuri Police Line office of 3rd Battalion of Delhi Armed Police (DAP) to meet the members of the escort team and appreciate their presence of mind and tactful handling of the situation. To boost their morale team, he assured to suitably reward each member.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (3rd Battalion) Dhal Singh said as per jail order, on November 28, under trial prisoner (UTP) Aaftab Amin Poonawala was taken to FSL office, Rohini from Tihar Jail.
A team comprising Sub-Inspectors Ravinder, Vikram, Head-Constable (HC) Shakti, Constable Shyam Sunder and HC Ashwani (driver) escorted the said UTP from Tihar jail to FSL, Rohini in a jail van.
In the evening, at around 6.45 pm, when the UTP was being escorted from FSL, Rohini to Tihar jail, suddenly a group of people attacked the jail van with swords in their hands. However, the police team displaying exemplary presence of mind kept Aaftab away from them while swiftly moving the vehicle from the place.
The action averted a big tragedy and ensured the safe deposit of the UTP at Tihar Jail.
After the attack on Monday, Aaftab was again taken to the FSL office in tight security to complete his polygraph test for the fifth time. Earlier, his polygraph test was conducted on November 23, 24, 25 and 28.